The Samen Sterker project
We believe that ‘together we can be stronger’ and improve the quality of life for millions of people that have any of the 500+ rare chronic Neuro Muscular Diseases (NMDs). At this moment ‘Samen sterker’ focuses on a sample of this global group, namely people with FSHD and SMA (two types of diseases) in the Netherlands.
Innovation Catalyzer
Innovation Catalyzer helps large organizations, SMEs, and Startups innovate and grow in a sustainable way through, a.o. consultancy, strategy design training, and workshops.
Problem space
The objective of the Samen Sterker project is to improve the quality of care and thereby the quality of life for people and patients with SMA and FSHD in the Netherlands. These diseases require specialized care that is often offered in different places that don’t communicate with one another. This can lead to many serious issues: for example, if a person with the neuromuscular disease has emergency surgery at a general hospital, the surgeon needs to be properly briefed on the patient’s exact condition and on the other therapies that they are receiving at other institutions.
Design rationale
How to optimize the patients’ experience, as well as the network of caregivers? How to make sure that no information is lost? How to make sure that all the medical professionals interacting with a patient with a rare disease are completely up to speed with the patient's condition, therapies, needs/wants?
Target audience
People with FSHD and SMA and their healthcare providers. Location: the Netherlands.
A digital platform that offers a unified plan care that allows healthcare practitioners to collaborate with their patients to analyze, track, and build a successful treatment plan. The care plan is developed collaboratively at meetings attended by all team members. Team members may then monitor progress by reviewing comments and revisions made to the plan.
3 months
Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Netherlands
Samen Sterker (third-party)
User Research, UX/UI Designer, Usability Test, Visual Communicator

Care plan view during a meeting

Dashboard view showing the newest and most urgent updates

Action plan view showing one of the doctor's individual plan and comments

More details about this project coming soon!
Don't hesitate to ask me about it until then :)