Unit9 is a production studio in London. They are doing a project in which they are exploring ways to extend a standard video conferencing tool for remote work. They are interested in new ways to work remotely in the near future.
Problem space
Remote work was the norm under Covid, and it is likely to stay so in the coming years. Working from home can be advantageous in some situations, such as for those who suffer from social anxiety or who are unable to commute owing to illness, family obligations, or other factors. However, many workers report feeling "disconnected" from the rest of the team when they aren't in the same room - and this is especially common among creative professionals, like designers, who rely on drawing, annotating, and whiteboarding.
Design rationale
How to allow the creative flow to function remotely while avoiding feelings of disconnection, alienation, and “creative block”?
Target audience
Designers (graphics designer, UX/UI designer, product designer etc.) and project managers that work in the creative industry.
Additional feature to consider
Augmented reality can be used to extend video conferencing by adding “virtual” post-its and annotations to a “real” desk or a wall. The AR layer could be an “add-on” to the remote conferencing experience, and it could run on the same device used to video-call or on a second device.
7 weeks
Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Netherlands
User research, UX/UI Designer, Visual Communicator

Thank you for your time!